Article for Samsung Galaxy, seen here.
It IS Easy Being Green!
So what does the colour ‘Greenery’ (Pantone 150343) represent? As Pantone’s creative colourist team states, “Greenery is symbolic of new beginnings. It is nature’s neutral. The more submerged people are in modern life, the greater their innate craving to immerse themselves in the physical beauty of the natural world. A life-affirming shade, Greenery is emblematic of the pursuit of personal passions and vitality.”
Fresh, zesty, renewing and restorative, Greenery is more than just a colour, it’s an attitude.
How To Create a Killer Online Presence on Instagram
I was fourteen or so when I first started sharing photographs of my outfits online. This was far before the days of Instagram so instead I found solace in a website called Lookbook, posting ‘looks’ and trawling news feeds in order to satiate and inspire the mid 2000s emo in me that was waiting to come out. In many ways it was much like the Instagram of 2006 for fashion lovers without the skinny tea and teeth whitening kits…
Who Are The Leading Australian Interior Designers?
Finding the right interior designer for your project can be hard. Whether you’ve been picturing your dream house for years or have no idea about how to design a new space, finding the right person to curate your project can make all the difference. There are countless factors to consider when finalising an interior designer; do they understand your vision for the space? How much do they charge? What are their credentials? Are they easily contactable and open to adapting to your schedule? Not only that, finding the right interior designer in Sydney, for example, can be a real nightmare. So we’ve made it easier for you!
Why ‘Paperless’ Might Be A Pipe-dream
With the rise of digital technology and its allowances, the dream of the ‘paperless office’ has been stuck in the crosshairs of hope and reality. A dream-world in which filing systems are replaced by the omniscient ‘cloud’ and handwritten signatures are a thing of the past. It may sound ecologically romantic, and incredibly noble, but is it even possible? And, are we really ready for a paperless world?
5 Minutes With Albert Mo Of Architects EAT On 8bit
For lovers of burgers, hotdogs and old-school video games, 8bit restaurant is for you. At 8bit’s third and biggest space yet, Architects EAT has created a space that not only celebrates the original aesthetic of the brand but also extends upon it.